The Dignifying Gaze

Indigenous people tend to be represented in very specific ways, varying between the picturesque, paternalism, folklore and clearly unfavorable representations. Non-indigenous people are portrayed using different criteria. What happens when people from both groups are portrayed the same way? Barriers disappear and it becomes difficult to know who’s what; there’s a distancing effect, and we don’t recognize those whom we see in our everyday surroundings. Our perception is freed from the references that fetter it and equality emerges in all its diversity. By breaking with established clichés, the gaze of the artist dignifies everyone. There’s no longer a place for discrimination. It’s the beginning of the abolition of racism.

10.32Margot Sputo, Indigenous/Non-Indigenous, 2015-2016, Photography, César Carrillo Trueba (Facultad de Ciencias de la UNAM) Collection.
10.35Margot Sputo, Indigenous/Non-Indigenous, 2015-2016, Photography, César Carrillo Trueba (Facultad de Ciencias de la UNAM) Collection.
10.33Margot Sputo, Indigenous/Non-Indigenous, 2015-2016, Photography, César Carrillo Trueba (Facultad de Ciencias de la UNAM) Collection.
Foto expo

Todo lo que


      podría ser

            de otro modo

Ludwig Wittgenstein